Eliminating dollar sign syntax in Svelte.js. Why? Because reactivity only worked in
components. The fix is to introduce new syntax. I was confused as to what exactly is the change. Fireship breaks it down for us. Let’s use Pareto’s Law to get started with Svelte 5 and runes.
Let’s look at the code below
There are multiple things going on with this piece of code. First, the let count = 0
is not an ordinary JavaScript declaration of a count variable. It is actually a reactive variable that updates the DOM when its value changes.1
Next we have the $: doubled = count * 2
that essentially recalculates the value of doubled (which is another reactive variable) whenever the value of count changes (and not otherwise).
Finally we have an side-effect $: document.title = `count is ${count}`
that runs this function whenever the value of count
Nice, now let’s see how Svelte 5 makes it better (or worse).
This too does the exact same thing. Just draw parallels. But under the hood they are using signals.
The last rune that we need to know is the $props()
rune, that allows us to avoid the sussy export let name
syntax with something more organic.
We call it compiled reactivity. ↩