A duopoly is a market situation where there are two sellers, for each set of actions and reaction of the duopolist, there corresponds a solution. Thus there is no unique solution for duopoly equilibrium. The solution depends on the actions of one duopolist and the counter of another duopolist.^duopoly-definition

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In this model, the basic assumption is that each duopolist will maximize his profit assuming that his rival’s actions are invariant under his own actions. Thus, duopolist maximizes w.r.t treating as a parameter.

Similarly, duopolist will maximize w.r.t treating as a parameter.

We maximize w.r.t , and thus .

Upon solving this, we will get solution for in terms of as .

Thus, the function gives ’s output if ’s output is known. This will tell how will react for each action of . Thus, it is called reaction function for . Similarly, for , we get .


solving which we get the reaction function of as which gives output for for given output of .

If and can be formed such that both the reaction functions are satisfied there there will be Static Equilibrium otherwise there will be disequilibrium.


We will find the reaction functions for both the firms.

which is the reaction function of firm .


which is the reaction function for firm .

Solving (1) and (2), we get , , and .

q1 = 80
q2 = 30
pi1 = 100*q1 - 0.5*q1^2  - 0.5*q1*q2 - 5*q1
pi2 = 100*q2 - 0.5*q1*q2  - q2^2

Thus there is Coward Equilibrium.