A duopoly is a market situation where there are two sellers, for each set of actions and reaction of the duopolist, there corresponds a solution. Thus there is no unique solution for duopoly equilibrium. The solution depends on the actions of one duopolist and the counter of another duopolist.^duopoly-definition

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In this model, the duopolist collide with each other and try tom maximize the total profit instead of individual profit, then, they will distribute the profit among themselves according to the output which they produce.

Thus, this will maximize

w.r.t and for which F.O.C are

Solving them, we get individual output and and from which we get individual profits and .


From (1) and (2), we get and

Now, we calculate the profits:

P = 100 - 0.5(95)
q1 = 90
q2 = 5
P1 = P*q1 - 5q1
P2 = P*q2 - 0.5q2^2