Aswath Damodaran


  • Why would one start a “company” sort of business?
    • Raising funds is easy (IPO)
    • Limited Liability
    • Unlimited Life1

What is corporate Finance?

3 Major Decisions

In any corporate finance function, we cannot avoid these three finance functions

  • Allocation decision
    • Economics deals with scarcity of resources and how to deal with it.
    • What makes for a good investment?2
  • Financing decision
    • Where to raise the funds for these investments3?
    • Either through debt or equity or a mix.
    • From the remaining profits after paying out the dividend
  • Dividend Decision
    • How much % for the dividends should be declared?
    • If you don’t have enough opportunities, then instead of retaining money and destroying its value, we can return the money to the share holders as a higher dividends.

The Traditional Accounting Balance Sheet

In the U.S. way, Assets are left, Liabilities are right, unlike the Indian (British) system.

Fixed Assets (Long4 Lived Real Assets)Current Liability (Short-term liabilities of the firm)
Current AssetsDebt5
Financial InvestmentsOther Liabilities (Depends on contracts entered into)
Intangible Assets (Good will, loyalty, patents trademarks)Equity

The Financial View of the Firm

Assets in Place
- Existing Investments
- Generate cash flows today
- Fixed claim on cash flows
- Little or No role in management
- Tax Deductible
Growth AssetsEquity

What is the motive for the company to buy back?

  • This is an alternative to dividend

First principles of Corporate Finance

  • Invest in projects that yield a return greater than the minimum acceptable hurdle rate.
    • Hurdle rate should be higher for riskier projects and reflect the financing mix used - equity vs debt
    • returns should be measured based on cash flows generated and the timing of these cash flows; they should also consider both positive and negative side effects of these projects.
  • Choose a finance mix that minimizes the hurdle rate and matches the assets being financed.


  1. But the only company that lasted on the stock exchange from 1900s is “General Electric”

  2. Warden of the hostel, where to spend the resources? Multimedia, card room, dance group, music group etc.

  3. Companies don’t like to take debt.

  4. Anything more than an year are long, and less than an year is short.

  5. A loan taken by a company is called a “Trade Debit”.