• Differential Equations are for continuous functions and their derivatives,
  • what about discretely increasing (step-wise) functions?

Now, consider the function,

Here, investment, is the dependent variable in 2024, and we have a lagged (2023) in dependent variable, income .

What is a difference equation?

A difference equation expresses a relationship between the dependent variable and a lagged independent variable, which change at discrete intervals of time.

where is the lag.

Standard form of Difference Equations

General Formula for Definite Solution

  • we call it definite because will be given.

If ,

By solving difference equation, our objective is to find the time path. The solution should be a function of time and must not contain any Difference Expression


Solve the following Difference Equations

  1. Given the difference equation,
  1. Find the time path for the national income when consumption , investments and are given as follows:1
  1. Find the

Solution 1

From the equation we can infer that ,

Applying these and into the solution for the time path we get,

Solution 2

From the equation, we get,

So, we find the parameters as ,

Hence, the time path is

1300 - 110/0.2

Drawing the time path

There are four cases:


  • grows exponentially


  • Shrinks to zero at once.


  • dampening and converging

Transclude of Difference-Equations-2024-09-23-09.59.13.excalidraw


  • dampening and oscillating converting to

Transclude of Difference-Equations-2024-09-23-10.05.39.excalidraw

After seeing 7 situations, there are four observations

Time path explodes
Time path converges
Time path doesn’t oscillate
Time path oscillates
