Cambridge Approach

We will talk about the

  • Neutrality of money
  • Equilibrating money market by price

A policy is said to be effective when it is able to achieve its desired goal.

Inflation  = rate of growth of money supply - rate of growth of output

Aggregate supply

More the wage, less the demand

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Dynamics 1

Dynamics 2

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Now disequilibrium between and

In classical model, disequilibrium doesn’t stay for long. Therefore, firms increase money wage equiproportional to the price level.

Firms increase wage to .

Therefore, leads to and at and labor comes to 100 (equilibrium).

The graphs represent the Neutrality of Money.

which is equiproportional change in and .

The aggregate supply curve which explains that the levels of output and employment are determined by the supply side factors and not by monetary factors.


  • In classical model the aggregate supply curve is in vertical form which means that when the employment is constant, the output also remains constant.
  • At a higher level of price level.
  • Due to this we can infer that the monetary policy is not effective. (Because there is no change in output)

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