What if you had multiple sheets in the same excel file, and you needed to import all of them and apply some sort of descriptive statistics.
We automate this process by using a bit of programming. There are quite a few things that we can use to achieve this task . Three of them are:
Using loops
Using lapply
Using the RIO package
The RIO package
Plot multiple data.frames
Separate Plots
def.off() is used to signify that there has been an end of input into the png file, more like a flush function that is used in file handling.
Correlation plots
cbind does a sort of column bind, so that information is placed in a single column1df_nodate because correlation works only with numerical values, we will have to remove any dates… 1, 2.3.4, 5 , 6.7.8, 9 , 10.11.12, 13, 14.15.16