- An allocation is pareto optimal or pareto efficient if production and distribution cannot be reorganized to increase utility of one or more individuals without decreasing utility of others.
- An allocation is said to be pareto superior to another allocation if the utility of at least one individual is higher and utility of none is lower in this allocation
This doesn’t mean superiority is optimality because there may be a better allocation than the superior one.
Pareto Optimality in Consumption
Pareto Optimality in Consumption can be acquired if each consumer can maximize its utility without disturbing the utility levels of other consumers.
Consider a two commodity, two consumer model
Let and be the utility function of consumer1
Let and be the total availability of commodities
Let be the utility level enjoyed by the second consumer
one must maximize his utility subject to the condition .
For this, the Lagrange function is given by
Divide (1) and (2) to cancel out , we get:
MRCS of both consumers must be equal. This can be executed to the extended to commodities and consumers
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Pareto Optimality in Production
Suppose there are two producers using two inputs to produce two outputs with production function given by
are the available input quantities and and are outputs. Just like the consumption here also we can show that2
is the condition for pareto optimality condition on production.
Pareto optimality in General
Consider an economy where there are consumers, producers, primary factors and produced goods.
The condition for pareto optimality can be written in terms of various marginal rates of substitutions as follows:
- The MRCS for all consumers and MRPT for all producers must be equal for every pair of produced good
- The MRCS for all consumers and MRTS for all producers must be equal for ever pair of primary factors
- The consumers MRCS between factor and goods must be equal to corresponding rates of the producers who will transfer factors into commodities i.e. the marginal products.