Linear KBC

  • This happens because if the capital is already high, investments will reduce due to depreciation considerations as the potential returns have reduced.
  • This happens because if we have more capital, economy is booming, more production, less demand, lesser prices, can spend less to consume more and also save more.

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When MPS > MPI, we have a stable equilibrium and when MPI > MPS, we have an unstable equilibrium. For a stable equilibrium, the investment demand function should intersect the savings supply function from above thus figure A gives us stable equilibrium and figure B gives us unstable equilibrium.


The limitation of this approach is that both savings and investment functions are linear whereas for business cycles we require non-linearity

Non-linear KBC

In non-linear Kaldor’s BC, there are three levels of income - low, normal and high. Both MPI and MPS will not be the same at all three levels.

MPI1 will be relatively low, at low and high levels of income. This is due to income inelasticity2.

The MPS will be relatively high at low and high levels of income. This is because of income elasticity.

Income LevelMPIMPS

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Combining the two non-linear investment and savings schedules or functions gives us multiple equilibria, i.e., we have a stable equilibrium at both point and point , but we have unstable equilibrium at point .


The limitation of this approach is that if you are point , you remain at point . If you are point , you remain at point .

But, if you are at point , you move towards point or point depending on which side of you are on.

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As the time progresses, the investments and the saving curves, continue on their migrations, induced by capital accumulation, and as the time progresses, the investments and the saving curves, continue on their migrations, induced by capital decumulation.

  • Both and are short-term equilibrium levels of output.
  • The output fluctuation happens between and .


  1. Slope of investment demand function

  2. non responsive